Coaching Info

Applying to Coach

Anyone 18 years old and over with a valid driver’s license (state issued ID cards and other forms of identification are not acceptable) may apply to be a volunteer coach for leisure services.  Coaches with an out of state license must produce a valid military ID.

New and returning coaches must submit a completed coaching application, which includes a criminal background check consent form and consent to a drug screen; and return it to the athletic department for every season you desire to coach.  You have to come into the office to pick up the application and fill it out because the background check form must be filled out in person and notarized before it is turned in.  We do have a notary public on staff.

The athletic department approves all coaches for each sport season.

The athletic department reserves the right to approve or deny anyone applying for a coaching position in our youth program

As part of the coaching application, each coach will be asked to list all previous experience in coaching a youth sports teams.

All prospective coaches will be expected to submit to and pass a criminal background check and drug screen.

All coaches must allow us to copy their driver’s license as part of the criminal background check.

All approved coaches will be issued a badge with their picture on it identifying them as an approved coach.  You must wear this badge any time you are with your team.


All youth coaches are approved each season by the athletic department staff.  No one is guaranteed a returning coaching spot.  The athletic department reserves the right to approve or deny anyone applying for a coaching position in our youth program.

Each year we try to give the Head Coach the option of returning.  If he decides not to return then the assistant coaches of the previous year are offered that team.  If they choose not to be the head coach then the team is opened to coaches who are moving up to a new age group.  If there is not a coach moving up to take the team then we open the team to new coaches.  The PSA athletic staff reserves the right to reject any coaches’ application.

When moving up to a new age group or applying for any age group, there are a couple of things that have to happen before you are able to secure a team.  First, there must be enough registration to supply any coaches that are returning and any new team enough players.  Please remember that we have to have enough participants registered before we appoint you as a coach.  Second we must have a team that does not already have a coach. Any conduct prejudicial to the best interest or objective of the league, or nonfeasance or malfeasance with CCPSA, NYSCA, and GRPA policies and procedures by a coach shall be cause for the removal of an individual from any coaching position.

Good sportsmanship is expected at all times.  Being a positive role model is very important. 


As a Head coach you are responsible for the behavior of yourself, team players, and the parents at your games.  It is part of your responsibility to help keep parents/spectators under control and ask them to handle themselves in a calm manner.  If they will not listen to you, there is a supervisor at your game site and you need to make sure that person is aware of the problem so they can be on alert. Please note that anyone who wants to help with your team must also submit an application, have a valid driver’s license, and consent to and pass a background check before they will be allowed to assist/volunteer with a team.

Ejections: (first time) If a coach is ejected from a game they must sit out the remainder of that game and the next scheduled game for that team. That coach also loses his/her chance at being considered as a coach for the all-star team.

(Second time) A coach is ejected they must step down from their coaching position.  He will not be allowed to continue coaching that season.  The athletic department must evaluate the coach before he will be allowed to coach again in any youth program.

(Note:  If the next scheduled game is rained out or post-pone for any reason then the ejected coach must serve the very next game that is played.  

Any type of violent altercation with other coaches, officials, parents, etc… could result in a one-year suspension from coaching and the athletic staff must evaluate the coach before being permitted to represent leisure services as a coach again.

Each Head Coach is responsible for all communication between parents and coaching staff, including organizing all practices, issuing correct schedules with all essential information to parents (game times, sites, etc…), teaching proper fundamentals and sportsmanship of the sport they are coaching. 

CCPSA will furnish team jerseys.


Team Pictures:

CPSA will schedule pictures for all sports/teams

Individual trophies:

This is optional.  But most teams want to get each child a trophy.

End of the season party.  This is also optional. Coaches may appoint a team mom to take care of the above items.  Team moms must fill out a coaching application and background check form.  All costs of these items fall as the responsibility of the parents or a sponsor if one can be obtained.

Lights for practice:

At any time you are using the lights on a field for practice you must make sure they are turned off.  The last team to practice on a field is responsible for turning off the lights.  Be sure you know where the power box for the lights is located.  If a team does not show up behind you for practice then you are to turn the lights off.  Please help us with turning off the lights.


Coaches Certification Class:

All coaches must attend the certification class in order to be certified as a coach.  This class is Mandatory for all first time and head coaches.  No coach will receive a certification without attending the class.  The NYSCA organization will send you a renewal notice each year.  You must return this notice to keep you certification current. This certification gives you $100,000.00 dollars of liability insurance in case you are sued due to any actions while acting as a youth coach in our program.  It teaches signs of child abuse and many other issues of coaching youth sports that you may not be aware can happen.  Remember no team may hold a practice without a certified coach present.  So you may want to certify several of your coaches

Coaches Meetings:

Each season during the registration period CPSA schedules a coaches meeting to go over rules and any changes. This meeting is for returning coaches and new coaches who are requesting to be approved as youth coaches.  The dates for each meeting will be listed on the information sheet that is given to the parents when they register their child.  This is a Mandatory meeting.  Also an All-Star meeting will be held at some point in the season.  It will be listed on your schedule for the sport.  You owe it to your players to attend this meeting.  If you are not present your team may not receive the All-Star recognition it deserves.

Coaches per Team:

Each sport has a specific number of volunteers that will be allowed in the dugout or sidelines.  All coaches must have a picture ID taken at the coaches meeting.  Every Head Coach and Assistant Coach must have a valid coaching application on file in the athletic department.  Anyone helping with the team must have a coaching application on file as well as a background check.  If a person is on the sideline or field then they must have a coaching application filled out and in the athletic office.

Basketball is allowed one head coach and two assistant coaches.

Baseball/Softball is allowed on head coach and three assistant coaches. 

T-ball is allowed one head coach and four assistant coaches. 

Track is allowed two coaches per gender per age division. 

 Football is allowed one head coach, four assistant coaches. 

Cheerleading is allowed one head coach and two assistant coach. 

You may have as many people helping you out at practices and games that you need.  But you are only allowed so many people on the field and in the dugouts per the rules.  So if you have more than you are allowed by the rules then they can take turns being on the field or in the dugouts.  But anyone who is helping out needs to have a coaches’ application on file along with a background check.

Coaches Protected Player:

The head coach and his first assistant coaches child will be considered the protected player.  The assistant coach must be approved by CPSA Athletic Department and must be named/assigned to your team before the draft. 


Coaches Personal Liability:

(Non-registered players) Head coaches are responsible to make sure all the players who show up to practices or games have signed the registration form at the recreational center.  If you allow a child to participate without the knowledge of the athletic department staff and the child being properly signed up you are taking upon yourself the liability if that child is hurt.  Please understand this.  Make sure the child has come in to our office and signed up.  You can very easily do this by contacting our athletic office.

Coaches Reporting to the Scorekeeper:

In all sports contests that a lineup or roster of your team is required, you must fill out all the correct information and report it to the scorekeeper 10 minutes before game time.  A correct lineup consists of first and last name of player with jersey number and position, coaches’ name and team name.  Scorekeepers will not accept lineups that do not have all of the correct information.


Coaches Reporting Substitutions: (know the rules of the sport you are coaching) All subs must be reported to the scorekeeper before they enter the game.  Not reporting them correctly can result in penalties being called.  When reporting your lineup list all your players on the lineup and write no show by the ones who are not present and as they show up let the scorekeeper know.  It is against the game rules to add players after a game has begun. So make sure all your players are listed.

Coaches Discipline Procedure:

All complaints received in writing by the athletic department will be investigated.  As a volunteer with CPSA, you are expected to follow all sportsmanship policies and mandatory play rules.  As a volunteer, you will need to learn to mediate problems with parents and spectators as the need arises.  The athletic staff is here to help with any problems that arise.  In the process of learning to coach, problems do arise to the point where a third party must intervene.  CPSA understands that there are two sides to every story. 

 When a complaint is received the following is the process we plan to follow in investigating the matter. When a complaint is reported, we will ask the complainant to identify himself/herself and put their complaint in writing.  If they do not, the complaint is not investigated. The exception is ineligible player complaints.

The first time a complaint is reported where the complainant is willing to identify himself/herself, the athletic staff will keep the complainants identity confidential. Someone from the athletic staff will give the coach a call and investigate the coaches’ side of the story and explain the complaint.  The athletic staff will then expect the coach to mediate the problem.

The second time the complainant calls, an athletic staff person will be assigned to watch your games or practices randomly to see if the complaint may be valid.  There will also be a meeting scheduled with the coach to discuss the complaint. If a compromise has not been found in a reasonable amount of time, the athletic manager will schedule a meeting between the coach and the complainant to help both parties come to some kind of compromise.

Once a coach has received three warnings from CPSA he/she will be removed as a coach for the rest for that season and will have to be reviewed before coaching again in any sport.

Infractions such as profanity, drug or alcohol use, physical altercations, ineligible players, mandatory play rules, and dangerous play are automatic grounds for removing a coach from coaching a team without the three warnings/meetings.